Polarus 3 Solution

About Polarus 3 Solution

The Polarus 3 Solution offers two plate options – Standard and Posterior, as well as two intramedullary nail options – Proximal and Distal, offering the surgeon multiple options to address patient fracture needs. Additionally, instrumentation for positioning and fracture reduction is shared, so no matter which implant the surgeon chooses - plate or nail - the single instrumentation set may be used for either implant. Polarus 3 Solution utilizes a single 4.3 mm low-profile hexalobe screw for both the plate and nail, which is intended to minimize inventory and mitigate confusion between screw families. The use of a single 2.8 mm drill and driver additionally creates a more straightforward approach by removing the need for multiple sizes and diameters. Nail improvements include a straighter design than the original Polarus Nail, creating a more medial entry point, which may minimize rotator cuff disruption. The nail also has a PEEK insert creating locking screw friction and more distal hole offerings for more fixation points. The new plates sit lower than the previous generation Proximal Humeral Plate so as not to impinge on the acromion (shoulder). Additionally, there are three dedicated calcar support screws intended to prevent the humerus from collapsing medially as well as more screw options in the humeral head.

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