SURGIMAP 2.0 (Prod 150310)

About SURGIMAP 2.0 (Prod 150310)

The SURGIMAP 2.0 platform is the preeminent software used to preoperatively plan spine surgery which now offers advanced tools based upon algorithms and the most recent scientific data on the parameters necessary to determine and restore optimal spinal alignment for each patient. SURGIMAP 2.0 includes the UNiD™ plug in, jointly developed with one of the company’s strategic partners, MEDICREA,  a company that specializes in the development of innovative surgical technologies for the treatment of spinal pathologies. The UNiD™ plug in is embedded into the SURGIMAP 2.0 software interface, and provides surgeons a quick and efficient option for planning and ordering the UNiD™ rods, the world’s first patient-specific spinal osteosynthesis rods, currently available in Europe. MEDICREA’s UNiD™ rod tool eliminates the need to manually contour the rods in the operating room, providing surgeons with a patient specific rod prior to surgery, thus optimizing clinical outcomes and reducing the amount of time patients spend in the operating room. Once the surgery planning is complete, the order is transferred to MEDICREA’s UNiD™ Lab, which processes the request and industrially produces and labels the rod specifically for each patient.

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