Trinity Evolution (Prod 8629)

About Trinity Evolution (Prod 8629)

Trinity® Evolution™ is an allograft of cancellous bone containing viable adult stem cells and osteoprogenitor cells within the matrix and a demineralized bone component. Trinity Evolution offers an ideal alternative to autograft and other bone grafting options (without their drawbacks).

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotential, capable of responding to their environment to differentiate into a variety of cells as needed. When implanted in patients, MSCs and osteoprogenitor cells do not stimulate an immune response.

Trinity Evolution is processed by the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing quality tissue. Every step, from donor screening to cryopreservation and pre-release testing, is designed to maximize cell health and ensure patient safety.

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