Sandvik Bioline High-N (Prod 7181)

About Sandvik Bioline High-N (Prod 7181)

Sandvik Steel is producing a new nitrogen alloyed steel grade for use in orthopaedic implants and fracture fixation devices. Called Sandvik Bioline High-N, the new steel grade is an ultra-clean steel meeting all of the requirements of the governing standard ISO 5832-9 (ASTM 1586-95). Work hardening, induced by cold working the material results in an increase in yield strength. It is predominantly this property, combined with its corrosion resistance that makes High-N type steels the material of choice for stainless steel hip prostheses. In addition to permanent implants such as hip prostheses, Sandvik Bioline High-N is being used increasingly to manufacture bone screws, pins, intra-medullary nails and other trauma products for fracture fixation.

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