CMF* MatrixWAVE™ MMF System (Prod 1502073)

About CMF* MatrixWAVE™ MMF System (Prod 1502073)

The CMF* MatrixWAVE™ MMF System is an adaptable wave-patterned bone borne plate and screw system designed for use in the temporary stabilization of mandibular and maxillary fractures and osteotomies. The MatrixWAVE MMF System features short and tall plates with a novel wave pattern that enables surgeons to refine bone segment alignment after wiring without requiring them to reposition screws. The adaptable plates can be stretched or compressed for positioning away from tooth roots and nerves in an effort to reduce the risk of soft tissue injury. The new system has the potential to reduce operating room time and lower the risk of soft tissue and tooth root injury compared to arch bars and intermaxillary fixation (IMF) screws, the most common methods used to achieve maxillomandibular fixation (MMF).

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