American Association of Orthopaedic Executives / AAOE

Manufacturer Info:
American Association of Orthopaedic Executives
6602 E. 75th Street
Suite 112
Indianapolis, IN 46250



About American Association of Orthopaedic Executives / AAOE

Our Vision: To set the standard for knowledge and insight as it relates to orthopaedic practice management. Foster Credibility that is universally recognized. ----- Our Mission: To be the premier management association serving orthopaedic practice executives. To identify and provide unmatched peer to peer networking and to be recognized for educational excellence for orthopaedic executives. ----- Our Goal: To set the standard for knowledge and insight as it relates to orthopaedic practice management. ----- Our Objectives: •Provide Content and resources for orthopaedic practice executives •Incorporate Competence and reflect excellence and high standards for orthopaedic practice management •Encourage Connections to and between members, non-members, physicians and affiliated groups.

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We are non-judgmental of products listed. We are not in the business of evaluating products. We have not evaluated these products. We make no representations as to the quality, effectiveness, suitability or appropriateness of any of the products listed.

As an important component of the service function of, some products continue to be listed that are no longer manufactured and may not be available. We will identify them as such when possible. This allows users to find special instruments and/or components for removal, modification, and/or revision of those products.