SurgiMend (Prod 8307)

About SurgiMend (Prod 8307)

SurgiMend is for tendon augmentation. SurgiMend is an acellular, terminally sterilized biologic matrix derived from the dermis of fetal calves, one of the purest sources of collagen available. It is intrinsically strong yet soft and pliable when hydrated, and handles like natural tissue; it readily conforms to the surgical site and is easily sutured. SurgiMend is rich in Type III collagen, the active collagen found in developing and healing tissues. It is not artificially crosslinked and its biochemistry and microporosity facilitate rapid cell penetration, revascularization, and integration with host tissues. SurgiMend is available in multiple sizes, both large and small, and can be stored at room temperature for up to three years. Previously available from TEI Biosciences.

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