Freedom® Cervical Disc (FCD) (Prod 7083)

About Freedom® Cervical Disc (FCD) (Prod 7083)

The Freedom® Cervical Disc (FCD) is intended to replace degenerated cervical discs. The FCD polymer cores are designed to provide the kind of stiffness similar to that found in healthy human discs. Like human discs, the cores are viscoelastic, which means they respond to different loads and loading rates the way a human spine does.The material characteristics of the polymer used in all Freedom® Discs, in combination with their design, provide both stability and three-dimensional motion that biomechanical testing has shown functions within the natural biomechanics of the spine. The Freedom Cervical Discs are designed to withstand the forces and wear characterized by decades of use as an implant in relatively young patients.

Previously available from AxioMed Spine Corporation.

Received the CE mark in August of 2012. Not available in the US.

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