RELINE® Trauma (Prod 1704211)

About RELINE® Trauma (Prod 1704211)

The RELINE® Trauma system offers surgeons the ability to customize implant types and supports a multitude of techniques, depending on surgeon preference. Also, RELINE Trauma enhances the surgeon's ability to dial-in fracture correction through a dual rack system achieving independent lordosis restoration and parallel compression/distraction for ligamentotaxis. This enables procedures to be completed by one surgeon rather than two, helping reduce the total cost of the procedure.In addition, the RELINE Trauma Fracture Frame instrumentation allows for controlled fracture correction throughout the procedure, with or without a rod present in the construct. The systems also allows surgeons the ability to place various rod diameters and/or materials before or after fracture correction, greatly improving the ability to reduce fractures more easily and reproducibly.RELINE Trauma is further integrated with proprietary NuVasive Computer Assisted Technologies such as NVM5®, NuvaLine™, NuvaMap® and NuvaMap® O.R., all within the Integrated Global Alignment® (iGA) platform.

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