The XBACK POSTURE CORREX is an LSO brace that provides coverage from L1 - L5 incorporating a unique easy to adjust strapping system in order to correct postural deficits and acute or longstanding disorders of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine as well as shoulder girdle.  The Posture CorreX offers physicians the first option to treat their patient’s postural defects with an insurance reimbursable brace.

This brace was designed by an Orthopedic Sport Medicine physician who was tired of not having effective options for patients [especially younger ones] with postural deficits.  Uncorrected postural problems often turn into more significant back problems over the years.  The Posture CorreX offers an effective way to train patients to correct posture.

INDICATIONS: Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, Cervical Headache, Herniated Discs, Kyphosis, Thoracic Spine DDD, Long Thoracic Nerve Palsy, Mild Scoliosis, Osteoarthritis and Myofascial Pain, Postural Imbalance and Deficits, Radiculopathy, Rotator Cuff Disease, Scapular Dysfunction, Scapular Dyskinesia, Scapular Winging, Shoulder Girdle Pain, Shoulder Pain, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Mechanical Back Pain, Trigger Points.

Posture CorreX   T106   LO627 Approved


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