Unite® Biomatrix (Prod 10583)

About Unite® Biomatrix (Prod 10583)

Collagen wound dressing developed to provide an advanced biologic solution for chronic wounds

Elevated levels of proteases in chronic wounds have made traditional collagen dressings susceptible to rapid enzymatic breakdown, often requiring multiple reapplications. 

A durable, crosslinked, sterile*, native collagen structure allows the Unite® Biomatrix to be easily applied to the debrided wound bed and maintain integrity as the wound heals. 

Chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, and vasculitic ulcers continue to be worldwide concerns, and the Unite® Biomatrix is helping to provide a new treatment alternative.

Previously available from Synovis Orthopedic and Wound Care.

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